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Sleeping With a Stuffy Nose

 Sleeping with a stuffy nose

It is officially the worst season of all! No, not Holiday season! Even though Holiday’s can be a pain in the butt. I am talking about cold and flu season! Those dreaded invisible germs that sneak into your body and wreak havoc. The reason I am even bringing this up is because I just had the worst stuffy nose and I couldn’t sleep! Nothing is worse than being so tired yet you feel like you can’t breathe. So, being the millennial that I am I jumped on my phone and asked good old Google what helps you sleep with a stuffy nose. My mom was already asleep so I couldn’t ask her. DUH!

I did find some good tips if you are trying to sleep with a stuffy nose and I thought I would share a few with you.

1 . Skip the night cap! I know what you are thinking! A nice drink before bed might help me fall asleep and not feel the suffering of my stuffy nose! Well that alcohol can actually make your stuffy nose worse and even aggravate sinus pain. So, skip the wine and have a nice decaf hot tea. Perhaps a valerian tea or decaf green tea.

2. Keep those little nasal passages nice and moist. I know we all hate that word but get over it for a second and listen! When you keep your nose hydrated it makes blowing and breathing easier. Try using a over the counter saline solution to help keep your cute little button nose moist. Dry air is the enemy when trying to fight a stuffy nose. Use a humidifier to keep dry air away. I also like to use my essential oil defuser by my bed and use peppermint oil with lavender. Peppermint essential oil will help clear your nasal passages and the lavender will help you relax and sleep.

3. If you are anything like me and you hate taking medication you may jump to “natural” remedies first but if those don’t work try some gold old fashion medication. If you are sick try taking a decongestant but if you think your stuffiness is from allergies try taking a antihistamine.

4. Keep you head elevated. Prop your upper body up with lots of pillows (need more pillows to do this? Try shopping at Pillows.com. I hear they have a good selection) Keeping your head above your heart will help decrease mucus from pooling in your nose. EW

5. Know when to call the doctor. If you have sever congestion and sinus pain that just wont stop it may be a sinus infections that would require treatment. Sometimes toughing it out and waiting till it passes is a good idea but sometimes it is time to call the doctor and get checked out. Don’t let a sinus infection go on too long without treatment nasty thing cans happen. Don’t believe me? Google it.

Ok, last pro tip! If one nostril is stuffed but the other is clear just jam some tissue in the stuffy side and pass out! Have you ever done this or am I the only one?

Sweet dreams Pillows fans and stay healthy!


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